Friday, April 30, 2010

I know what you're thinking and... No, it's not Conan and it's not He-Man...Well not quite He-Man.

The story goes that in the early 80s Mattel did a mail-away promotion with Wonder Bread for a special figure known throughout the MOTU collector world as Wonderbread He-Man. No one really seems to know if the figure was really ever available from said promotion or if he was just produced as a promotional giveaway by Mattel. And while there are those who would suggest that he came with Black Zodac armor I think it's pretty common knowledge that said armor was available only in the original Weapons Pak. It's thought WB He-Man came with no armor to speak of but w/ a marroon axe and sword from the Grayskull playset. similar to those featured with some variations of Man-E-Faces.

Now his bio stands that 100 years before Adam would weild the mighty Sword of Power (post-HeRo/King Grayskull) there was a savage brute (not unlike Conan) that saved the life of a young woman who turned out to be the Goddess the protects Castle Grayskull. To thank him for his chivalry she bestowed upon him a set of cosmic battle armor as well as an energy gun and made him the defender of Castle Greyskull.

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