Sunday, May 9, 2010


Originally uploaded by Xander Martin

Deep within the winding corridors and passageways of Snake Mountain Skeletor and Evil-Lyn are perfecting a new Location Spell when suddenly Tri-Klops bursts through the door. Evil-Lyn glares at him the way only a woman can.

"Tri-Klops, I take it you have good reason for barging in here unannounced?" She questions hastily.

He doesn't even bother to look at her. Instead addressing the Lord of Destruction. "One of my Doom Seekers has spotted Man-At-Arms stranded near the shores of Rakash."

Skeletor snaps his book closed staring blankly at his spy. "Then why am I hearing about it rather than seeing him kneeling in front of me!!!"


"Must I really think of everything?" Skeletor scolds him as though one would a child.

Tri-Klops' hand wraps tighter around his sword and he squeezes his fist. Evil-Lyn's heart pounds in anticipation. Skeletor stares emotionlessly at him unmoved. He could turn him into dust without a moments hesitation. Finally he commands,

"Take Trap-Jaw and seek out the weapon smith. I want him alive, he's no use to me dead."

"It will be done."

To Be Continued

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I See You

I See You
Originally uploaded by Xander Martin

Meanwhile back at Snake Mountain...
Tri-Klops is visited by one of his many Doom Seekers returning with a most interesting surprise. The small probe initiates a projection display for it's master revealing Man-At-Arms making his way from a wrecked aircraft. Tri-Klops sneers with delight. Skeeletor will be well pleased.

To Be Continued

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hoofing It

Hoofing It
Originally uploaded by Xander Martin

After a bad wind sheer causes Duncan to lose control of his Wind Raider he is forced to crash the the ship in a nearby marsh. He draws his mace as the gurgling swampy water devours the the rest of the Raider. Aware that the wetland is merely an inlet to the Sea of Rakash he can't waste any time getting to safety. Skeletor's scouts patrol the area often and amidst the foul smelling air is the growing sensation that he is being watched....

To Be Continued

Friday, April 30, 2010

I know what you're thinking and... No, it's not Conan and it's not He-Man...Well not quite He-Man.

The story goes that in the early 80s Mattel did a mail-away promotion with Wonder Bread for a special figure known throughout the MOTU collector world as Wonderbread He-Man. No one really seems to know if the figure was really ever available from said promotion or if he was just produced as a promotional giveaway by Mattel. And while there are those who would suggest that he came with Black Zodac armor I think it's pretty common knowledge that said armor was available only in the original Weapons Pak. It's thought WB He-Man came with no armor to speak of but w/ a marroon axe and sword from the Grayskull playset. similar to those featured with some variations of Man-E-Faces.

Now his bio stands that 100 years before Adam would weild the mighty Sword of Power (post-HeRo/King Grayskull) there was a savage brute (not unlike Conan) that saved the life of a young woman who turned out to be the Goddess the protects Castle Grayskull. To thank him for his chivalry she bestowed upon him a set of cosmic battle armor as well as an energy gun and made him the defender of Castle Greyskull.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Treason & Treachery
Originally uploaded by Xander Martin

Loyalty in Snake Mountain is a somewhat forgotten commodity. Despite the mess that Skeletor made of Kronis when tried to usurp him he still finds himself surrounded by those who seek to rob him of his power.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Randor, King of Eternia

Randor, King of Eternia
Originally uploaded by Master of 1,000 Faces

King Randor stands in the Palace of Eternia with his son Adam in his arm and his loyal general Duncan at his side. Skeletor and his army fought hard but Randor and his men were finally able to push them back to the Dark Hemisphere of Eternia. Little did they know it was merely a rouse.
For elsewhere in the palace unbeknownst to Randor, Hordak is subduing guards left and right making his way for the royal nursery where he means to kidnap the twins Adam and Adora and use the last of power to take them into his dimension.